For crisis support call 000 or Lifeline on 13 11 14
Servicing Young, Cootamundra, Narrandera, Junee, Coolamon, Tumut, Gundagai, Lockhart, Henty, Temora, West Wylong, Griffith, Leeton
Provides free and confidential treatment coordination and AOD intervention support and access to clients over 18 years old with complex needs.
Monday to Friday 8am-4pm (closed on weekends)
Provides treatment coordination and AOD intervention support/access to clients over 18 years and over with problematic substance use. Support is tailored to individual needs in strength-based style approach. The program is suitable for individuals who are waiting to enter community treatment, currently participating in treatment, has exited community treatment in helping sustain gains, or individuals with history of substance lived experience and would further benefit with support to increase resilience and confidence towards a meaningful life.
Individual who are 18 years old and over, who has substance use lived experience with complex needs or other comorbidities.
This is a free and confidential service funded by Ministry Of Health NSW.
Self referral, walk-ins, referral can be made through Local Health District, or NGOs they are currently linked in or local GPs.
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