For crisis support call 000 or Lifeline on 13 11 14
The idea of recovery was created by, and for, people with mental illness to describe their own experiences and journeys and affirm personal identity beyond the constraints of their diagnosis.
The guiding principle in recovery is the belief that is possible for anyone to have a meaningful life despite experiencing mental health issues. The concept of recovery emphasises that while someone may not have full control over their symptoms, they can have control over their life. It is not about ‘getting rid’ of symptoms – it is a journey rather than a destination. It is a process of improving wellbeing, living a self-directed life where you are in control and striving to reach your full potential and living a meaningful and contributing life in a community of choice.
Recovery orientated practice acknowledges that each individual is an expert within their own life. Each person can choose to work with their family, carers, or services to get support in a way that makes sense to them. It is an approach that promotes wellbeing, builds upon one’s strengths, embraces a variety of perspectives, and allows a person develop their own interpretation of recovery and how it fits into their life.
People that work in a recovery oriented way are respectful of the person’s autonomy and choice, provide hope for recovery, value respect, sensitivity and dignity, and work with the person to lead a life that is contributing and meaningful.
Recovery and Recovery Orientated Practice is important because it:
Consumer and carer guide to recovery principles that support recovery-oriented mental health practice by the Department of Health.
Visit the Department’s webpage here.
The Recovery Hub website contains more information on recovery, and has many activities, articles, and practical resources.
For more information and tips on the 5 ways to wellbeing, you can visit the following websites.
With the drug and alcohol field, recovery has been defined as a voluntarily sustained control over substance use, which maximises health and wellbeing and participation in the rights, roles and responsibilities of society. In most cases, recovery is an ongoing journey rather than an accomplished state.
Although addiction is a disorder characterised by relapse and an extended time course, on average 58% of individuals with chronic substance dependence achieve sustained recovery. Reported rates of recovery do however vary from 30-72%. As with mental health issues, recovery from substance use may not mean full remission but rather transcending symptoms to lead a meaningful and fulfilling life, including making a valuable contribution to family, community and society.
(Reference: Best & Lubman, The Recovery Paradigm: a model of hope and change for alcohol and drug addiction)
The Mental Health Coordinating Council developed this Recovery Oriented Language Guide because language matters in mental health. We must use words that convey hope and optimism and that support, and promote a culture that supports recovery.
This online course and associated resources explore how language is used within mental health settings and the broader community. Participants explore the use of language through a range of learning activities and videos, including consumer, carer and worker perspectives on language and mental health.
Language is powerful, especially when discussing alcohol and other drugs and the people who use them. Stigmatising language reinforces negative stereotypes. Person-centred language focuses on the person, not their substance use.
The guide explains key terms and offers examples of preferred language that can help build safer, more inclusive environments for trans and gender diverse communities.
View all listings in the directory and filter by category
View all listingsMapMyRecovery lists services available to the community. You can also speak to your GP or a mental health professional for support.
Head to Health is a national service website with more than 500 digital resources to support your wellbeing and mental health.
Visit Head to HealthMurrumbidgee Mental Health Drug and Alcohol Alliance have worked to develop MapMyRecovery, a free resource providing mental health information specific to the Murrumbidgee region. This includes the local government areas of: Berrigan, Bland, Carrathool, Coolamon, Edward River, Federation, Greater Hume, Griffith, Gundagai, Hay, Hilltops, Junee, Lachlan, Leeton, Lockhart, Murray River, Murrumbidgee, Narrandera, Snowy Valleys, Temora and Wagga Wagga.