For crisis support call 000 or Lifeline on 13 11 14
Servicing Wagga Wagga, Young, Tumut, Temora, Griffith and Deniliquin and other areas in Murrumbidgee by outreach services
Murrumbidgee Local Health District Mental Health Services are largely for individuals experiencing high levels of distress as a result of an acute or severe and complex mental illness or drug and alcohol use.
Visit the Murrumbidgee Local Health District information page for the details on eligibility for each of the above services.
To access a Mental Health Drug and Alcohol Service within Murrumbidgee you can contact AccessLine. AccessLine is available 24 hours 7 days per week and takes calls from people needing support, their families, carers or friends (with the permission of the person being referred), general practitioners and service providers.
The service provides a brief assessment including assessment of a person’s risk, assesses the urgency of the referral and then refers eligible people to the local Community Mental Health Drug and Alcohol Service, or if the person’s need is urgent, will refer them to Emergency Departments for immediate care.. If the initial assessment identifies that another service would better meet the person’s identified needs, the person is provided with contact details for that service or for some programs directly referred to another agency.
Carers, other health professionals and emergency workers can also use Accessline for advice about a person’s clinical symptoms, the urgency of the need for care and local treatment options.
If you or someone you know is experiencing high levels of mental distress or thinking about suicide, seek help immediately by calling the Murrumbidgee Local Health District AccessLine on 1800 800 944 (24 hours, 7 days per week) or Lifeline on 13 11 14.
Mental Health Emergency Consultation Service
The Mental Health Emergency Consultation Service – known as MHECS for short – is a 24 hour a day and 7 day a week service. The service is located in Wagga Wagga and linked to all Emergency Departments across the district. The role of MHECS is to provide specialist mental health assessments and care planning for people who present to an Emergency Department (ED) and who are experiencing high levels of mental distress and/or suicidal feelings or behaviours. When a person is referred to MHECS, a Mental Health Clinician will carry out a comprehensive mental health assessment, consult where needed with psychiatrists and relevant staff, and speak with family members that you may want involved in your care. They will then discuss treatment options.
According to the person’s level of risk, the person might need admission to an Acute Mental Health Inpatient Unit (usually Wagga Wagga), admission to the local hospital for a short stay for support and stabilisation, referral to the relevant Community Mental Health team or referral to the person’s GP.
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