For crisis support call 000 or Lifeline on 13 11 14
Servicing the Murrumbidgee region
The EACLSS is a psychosocial mental health service based in the Murrumbidgee region. The program supports adults experiencing mental health issues to manage mental health & wellbeing, live independently & get involved in the community.
CLS provides psychosocial supports that help people build independence in daily life and contribute to recovery. The type of support that people receive depends on their individual needs and own unique goals. CLS helps people identify goals and work towards achieving these goals by providing support that may include: assistance with activities of daily living, referrals to other services, participating in social, leisure and community activities, building relationships with family, friends and the community, learning new skills accessing education or employment and finding and maintaining a home.
Monday to Friday
All towns in the Murrumbidgee region
To be eligible for the CLS program you need to be 16 years or older, have or be at risk of developing a severe and enduring mental illness and agree to participate in the program.
The Murrumbidgee Mental Health Drug and Alcohol Alliance referral form is used. Please send all referrals to :
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