For crisis support call 000 or Lifeline on 13 11 14
Servicing Griffith, Leeton, Narrandera, West Wyalong, Lake Cargelligo, Hay and Hillston (and smaller towns in between)
Support Service for Carers of People with mental illness.
9am – 5pm Monday to Wednesday.
This service is available for age groups typically 15 years and up.
One Door Carer Services provides information, education, advocacy, and support, through the Family and Carer Mental Health Program (FCMHP). One Door’s Carer Advocates are based in the Hunter New England, Murrumbidgee, Southern NSW, Sydney, and South Western Sydney areas. One Door’s Carer Advocates can provide individual support services as well as education and training for carers and families of someone living with mental illness.
One Door Carer Advocates give you practical support at what can be a very difficult time for your family. They will support you with information on coping skills, help in building a network of support people and assistance in navigating the mental health system and the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). A loved one’s mental illness diagnosis can be a hard time for the family, One Door’s Carer Advocates are here to help you access the supports and services you need but may not know exist.
Anyone caring for someone with a mental illness is eligible to participate in this NSW Health funded program.
Via Community and Mental Health services and hospitals, headspace, other NGOs and CMOs. Self referrals also taken.
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