For crisis support call 000 or Lifeline on 13 11 14
Hay, Griffith, Darlington Point, Narrandera, Temora, West Wyalong, Ardlethan, Goolgowi, Lake Cargelligo, Hillston, Urana, Condobolin and surrounds
A team of National Rural and Remote Suicide Prevention Program Mental Health nurses supporting rural NSW.
Hay, Griffith, Darlington Point, Narrandera, Temora, West Wyalong, Ardlethan, Goolgowi, Lake Cargelligo, Hillston, Urana, Condobolin etc
Any person at risk of suicide or mental health crisis, particularly reaching out to people in agriculture, rural and remote, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, CALD, LGBTQAI+ communities.
Self referral welcome, otherwise through GP, Emergency Department, Community Mental Health etc. Phone 1300 147 761 business hours.
All ages
Mon – Fri – 9am – 5pm
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